An update on things
Foxy on Oct. 17, 2007
Well, okay. So I'm not going to school now. I consider this alternative-highschool-thingy to be quite good, but I'm just too far in my social anxiety/depression/whateverthehelliswrongwithme to do anything there. I go to school, and I feel like puking, can't keep my mind focused… I just feel terrible. I don't do any work. So, I'm not going at all, for when I'm not at school, I may have short peroids of feeling happy, which include great increases of creativity.
However, for the most part, I just have stomach aches, head aches, no energy, worse-than-if-not-like-this drawing skills, no creativity, and no will to bother with anything.
And my computer's sound is broken. It annouies me to the point of even bothering.
The next chapter may be entitled ‘Things I felt like saying’. Or maybe it will be the one already planned. Who knows. I don't. I don't care.
kijik at 7:03PM, Feb. 5, 2010
jesus... you don't need antidepressants I mean.. before you know it you'll be on so many meds that you won't realize you're taking one to counteract what the other is doing to you. pills won't help. figuring out WHAT your issues are and facing them is the only answer. throw that shit away, bro and keep drawing foxies!
Radec at 4:41PM, May 21, 2008
highschool sucks, simply put. Just muscle through it; when you hit college, it's the most wonderful feeling ever. trust me on this.
Foxy at 2:37AM, Nov. 21, 2007
I'm taking an anti-depressant and I think I'm getting a bit better... Some of my indifference feels more like it's carefreeness, for one thing.
Dchao at 5:35PM, Oct. 25, 2007
T.T Foxy please cheer up? Your all sad and I really dun like it.. *hugs* PQ me if your ever sad kay?