Page 12
gracifer on Feb. 3, 2007
So, uh, sorry for the random hiatus, guys. ^^;; Life has gotten a bit hectic and while it doesn't look to improve much, I promise to make more of an effort to update.
For the record, at least it's been hectic in a good way! I got the lead in the school play and show choir competition season has started. I also have a boyfriend as of yesterday, so…
anonymous at 3:46AM, Feb. 28, 2009
Sei at 12:27AM, Nov. 2, 2008
Really like the sketchiness of this and the story seems interesting so far. I'm going to keep an eye on this in case you ever decide to pick it up again.
Stig Hemmer at 11:32AM, April 26, 2008
Excellent story!
xxwing at 8:54AM, Jan. 23, 2008
It's been nearly a year ;-; update... please?
gullas at 12:50PM, Dec. 9, 2007
Love your style ^^
shany at 2:59AM, Sept. 27, 2007
Ah.... that guy's so mysterious! I can't wait to see more of him! ^^
ingrid_nini at 8:24PM, Aug. 29, 2007
are you planning to continue this story anytime soon??...(pff..why am I the one to talk if I take like forever to continue Anyway...I have good you should have your own GOOD excuses also.. tehee..
Darkgryffin at 12:47PM, Aug. 14, 2007
Faved, and hopefully to be continued. Is bad to see a good comic dwindle into the shadows.
Emma_Clare at 12:12AM, July 14, 2007
ha ha... i get asked if I have a social life all the time? :D I love her hair by the way... so sleek and shiny ^-^
aminahamedi at 10:13AM, July 12, 2007
please update soon!
Islander at 9:31AM, July 8, 2007
omg update soon!! really good!!
pirate_queene at 7:32PM, June 27, 2007
well, i think it's safe to say that the school play is over...will you ever up date???? **Whimper**
Ludwig Luffs U at 1:55PM, June 25, 2007
Please update soon!! lol
Jonko at 8:21PM, June 21, 2007
ParanormPeople at 2:24AM, May 3, 2007
Lana: It's really good and I like your style of art =P
DarkAnimeGamer at 10:22AM, April 20, 2007
Congrats on how things are going your, however please dont keep us waiting to long for your next update. The concept of your comic is really good and many would like to read it to the end.
allanah at 6:31AM, March 26, 2007
I really like the art, and the story is intriguing. I hope to see more ;)
vi___wong at 3:35PM, Feb. 27, 2007
bloobed. UPDATE.
emoghost at 9:53AM, Feb. 16, 2007
YAY! I've been waiting a while, yay!
wilderbean at 11:05PM, Feb. 4, 2007
Meh, the 'random hiatus' was for a good cause. I like updates. I really, really do.
Ayres at 9:34PM, Feb. 4, 2007
My god, YOU HAVE BEEN BUSY! ! ! LOL congratulations! Nice page by the way :)
x_eko_x at 8:02PM, Feb. 4, 2007
^.^ Congrats! I'm trying out for my school play soon, and my choir competion is in the Spring! As for a boyfriend...nobody would like me... Your art is so good! I envy it!
bluebug at 7:58PM, Feb. 4, 2007
Hey, that's just in time for Valentine's day! Congrats! The only nitpick I have about this page is that .. is boy supposed to be having a break/recess? If so, wouldn't everyone at the school have break at the same time? (ie. Sachi wouldn't have been in class). Or maybe things work differently in Japan...
Shippo_no_Neko at 7:20PM, Feb. 4, 2007
Brokenhill at 6:26PM, Feb. 4, 2007
GOOD GOD, finally!! took you fooooorever! (jk) Do you think they could be friends?! hmmm I wonder :)