Chapter 02 Page 012
Lackshmana on June 24, 2011
A slightly new take on Jezebel. I did my best to make sure she stayed well enough on model, but I am still figuring out how I want her to look.
Wake stays much the same, but I am always making small refinements to his design as well.
Hope you all like it.
jerrie at 8:54AM, Nov. 22, 2011
InsolentOne at 6:11AM, June 26, 2011
She makes a good point. The only real down-side I coulld see is if what happens next hurts like a mother. Heh. Nice use of the infamous line "I don't like the sound of that." It's when you know something's wrong, but you can't figure it out before the hilarity ... I mean ... problem arises.