Nanien on Aug. 10, 2012
Sorry. So sorry everyone. Especially to those who check this update with hope.
My monitor is still broken and I'm not sure when I'll get it back. The spare I'm using is very different unfortunately. Both in resolution and colors, so I don't really trust it, thus I don't really want to make new pages on this one. I have no idea when my monitor will be fixed, I was actually hoping it'd been done months ago.
So just to make it clear, I'm not having an artist's block or writer's block - the story is already complete and written, and most of the first chapter is already sketched, I just need my damn monitor.
Sorry again for being completely inactive, too. I hope to talk to you guys on the next update.
PPPchairman at 4:17PM, Sept. 28, 2012
S'all right. I too feel the pain of not being able to use my own computer.
Stig Hemmer at 12:59PM, Sept. 14, 2012
Time to start shouting at the monitor people until they give you a new one.