I tried reading the comic without the reader's comments and found it utterly confusing. From now on I'll start the author's note with a copy of the comment I used for the comic posted.
Genius, I know.
Rasenkai- “OH MY GOD IT'S A FIRE!!!sale. Anyway. OH MY LORD! THAT GUY'S ON FIRE!”
Do you see that guy's shaded shirt? I shouldn't have, I really shouldn't have… but it felt so right!
Hey. I'm running behind… in case you haven't noticed. See, I downloaded the entirety of BECK which of course I had to watch in one sitting on a weekday no less. And then there's school work. I screwed up my schedule by staying up til' 3am watching it so I've been spending all the time in between homework to catch up on sleep. And then there's two weeks of drawings in my sketchbook I need to catch up on for class so… Just give me til' next week and I should be set.
Sorry about that. Blame Beck for being so utterly amazing. Yes.
To put out a grease fire you can either smother it by covering the burning pan with an airtight lid or a larger pan, or carefully sprinkle baking soda or flour on it. I am filled with useful knowledge.
Relasia the Dog at 12:28AM, March 11, 2010
Jumps into the fire for people kebab. LOL
JessieCooper at 1:20PM, Sept. 22, 2008
To put out a grease fire you can either smother it by covering the burning pan with an airtight lid or a larger pan, or carefully sprinkle baking soda or flour on it. I am filled with useful knowledge.
rasenkai at 8:51PM, Sept. 14, 2008
Wow. Who's the idiot who caught on fire?