Used Books
usedbooks on Feb. 23, 2007
Let's get started! I started writing in in mid-January 2007. I'm going to be uploading a bunch of pages today because you should at least get to see some of the more fun stuff. I hope you enjoy! After today, I will try to do daily uploads.
A little background info… This comic was originally drawn just for sharing with my friends, but my brother talked me into scanning it and uploading it. You should know that I am a writer by heart and by practice, but this is my very first time actually drawing. I learned to draw while the comic was progressing. So there are really two stories here. One is the story of these characters. The other is “Vickie Learns to Draw.”
Please enjoy and don't be afraid to leave comments. (Keep in mind, I am a few hundred pages further in my story than what I have uploaded, so not all criticisms may be useful – or at least their usefulness may not become immediately apparent, even if they do help me a LOT with what I'm currently drawing.)
Ten chan at 6:32AM, Sept. 22, 2007
Comment, comment! I decided to give this a try, so just letting you know. I'll pop in with more comments as they occur to me. ^_^ First one being, I giggled at the last panel, middle section. I hope the sense of humor continues through the story!
usedbooks at 9:19PM, July 3, 2007
Thanks. I've come a long way since page one (actually, since page 200), but I do want to continue improving and I'm sure there are things I missed.
maritalbliss at 7:23PM, July 1, 2007
Okay, since I think you are an absolute doll I am going to read, from the beginning. I'm a bit scared and will not comment on things I think you will have resolved by the end of my reading. To start. Love the site. The background is homey and I love the "perks." You own little games is nice, I would recommend maybe futzing with the margins on the right, Since it kinda' smushes into the comic. I'm excited--Let's see how far I can read before Husband comes home.
ipokino at 6:35AM, Feb. 25, 2007
Dude, your story is getting lost in the mash up of your art work. I know creating any work--and especially graphic work is hard, hard, hard...but if you want your story and your hard work to be recognized and appreciated, you gotta format it appropriately. That means professionally. Ideas. Draw one panel at a time (no border or one you can easily erase) scan the panel and save as a BMP file in MSPaint (or photoshop, or whatever graphic manipulation program you got) Now, using the Paint tools you can create a perfectly neat panel border. Now cut and paste your image into the border. You can also do your lettering in Paint and create word balloon you can save as standard sizes and then cut and paste in as needed. This my sound complex, but it really makes your work look pro, and once you play with it a while, it gets fast and easy!