- We've Moved!
- E4P48: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round Two (P5)
- E4P47: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round Two (P4)
- E4P47: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round Two (P4)
- E4P46: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round Two (P3)
- E4P45: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round Two (P2)
- E4P44: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round Two (P1)
- E4P43: The other two connect
- E4P42: Josh and Phantom Connect
- E4P41: Pre-round prep
- E4P40: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P10)
- E4P39: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P9)
- E4P38: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P8)
- E4P37: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P7)
- E4P36: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P6)
- E4P35: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P5)
- E4P34: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P4)
- E4P33: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P3)
- E4P32: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P2)
- E4P31: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round one (P1)
- E4P30: The chosen Power-chips
- E4P29: Xtarmis backstory (P2)
- E4P28: Xtarmis backstory (P1)
- E4P28: Perfect match
- E4P27: Chip-holder
- E4P26: Picking Power-chips, with consequences...
- E4P25: Cut Scenes are cool...
- E4P24: Already Connected...
- E4P23: Full rules
- E4P22: Side-tracked
- E4P21: Edge-Skeleton Code
- E4P20: Secret tunnels
- E4P19: A Pep talk and a Challenge
- E4P18: The Phantom makes an entrance
- E4P17:Have No Fear!
- E4P16:Things are getting kinky (no, not really)
- E4P15: Meeting with Tom Davison...
- Info Bite: Tom Davison and Iron Falcon filler
- E4P14: The other art of distraction
- E4P13: The art of distraction
- USB's 1st Birthday! (First Issue Deleted scene)
- E4P12: More bloody Mid-tech student/guard things...
- E4P11: Uncle Wade
- E4P10:The romantic Shizzle (P2)
- E4P9:The romantic Shizzle (P1)
- The Chisler Advert
- E4P8: More than a friend.
- E4P7:Time for a little chat...
- E4P6: Electrocution Lessons
- E4P5: A blasting end...
- E4P4: Damn Xtrarmi, you scary!
- Digimon T/S Advert
- E4P3: To see a man about a USB Blast
- gone virus busting
- E4P2: Ultra Shot
- E4P1: Happening again
- E4 Title Card
- E3P84: FUROE Agent Fight (P6 - To be Continued)
- E3P83: FUROE Agent Fight (P5 - Lara Ciron)
- E3P82: FUROE Agent Fight (P4 - Rule adjustment)
- E3P81: FUROE Agent Fight (P3 - Scouting for voices)
- E3P80: FUROE Agent Fight (P2 - insects of the forest)
- E3P79: FUROE Agent Fight (P1 - More screen time)
- E3P78: Team Connect...
- E3P77: Connecting virus's
- E3P76: Nicknames (P2)
- E3P75: Nicknames (P1)
- E3P74: A FUROE 5 cameo
- E3P73: Girl in the weird headgear
- E3P72: Character development (Wimp)
- E3P71: Virus's by the bucketload... Or sensor load... Whatever...
- E3P70: More brain activity...
- E3P69: Not Wade...
- E3P68: A random Wade brain moment...
- E3P67: Rivers sulk...
- E3P66: Another smoke bomb
- E3P65: Josh's plan - in depth
- E3P64: More on the Emperor
- E3P63: USB Emperor’s Clichéd back-story
- E3P62: A lot of talking from the phantom
- E3P61: Return of the kid in the cape
- E3P60: Joshs Plan B
- E3P59: The Wade/River Team up (P18: The winners)
- E3P58: The Wade/River Team up (P17: WTF)
- E3P57: The Wade/River Team up (P16: FINAL plans)
- E3P56: The Wade/River Team up (P15: Attack of the clones)
- E3P55: The Wade/River Team up (P14: Speaking smart)
- E3P55: The Wade/River Team up (P13: Bring on the clones)
- E3P54: The Wade/River Team up (P12: They finaly notice)
- E3P53: The Wade/River Team up (P11: Goodness gracious great swords of fire)
- E3P52: The Wade/River Team up (P10: Fire Element)
- E3P51: FUROE Viruses
- E3P50: Connecting to the School
- E3P49: To worry is to be safe...
- E3P48: Breaking the firewall
- E3P47: A hacking explination
- E3P46: Hack LV1
- E3P45: Firewalls and FUROE
- E3P44: Reader connection lead
- E3P43: Josh's Plan
- E3P42: The Wade/River Team up (P9: Surge - Disconnect)
- E3P41: The Wade/River Team up (P9: Added Boom)
- E3P40: The Wade/River Team up (P8: Power-chip after Power-chip)
- E3P39: The Wade/River Team up (P7: Charge)
- E3P38: The Wade/River Team up (P6: Charge)
- E3P37: The Wade/River Team up (P5: how its done)
- E3P36: The Wade/River Team up (P4:The first hit)
- E3P35: The Wade/River Team up (P3: A plan)
- E3P34: The Wade/River Team up (P2: Picking Power-Chips)
- E3P33: The Wade/River Team up (P1: In Sync)
- E3P32: Trust
- E3P31: Spoil sport
- E3P30: Mid-tech Connect
- E3P29: Spoilers...
- E3P28: Kicking digital arse!
- E3P27: Remembrance of the looser kids
- E3P26: The last to know...
- E3P25: USB tournament?
- E3P24: Enter: The Mid-tech cameos
- E3P23: Do, Di, Dum
- E3P22: Holo-school
- Away
- E3P21: Yink and Yank
- E3P20: Back to the kitchens
- E3P19: Lies...
- E3P18: Following trouble
- E3P17: Wades Disappointment...
- E3P16: Later's Chaz
- E3P15: The two coppers...
- E3P14: Chaz
- E3P13: Charles Damien
- E3P12: Late to Work.
- E3P11: Eddie Thompson.
- E3P10: Yet ANOTHER crowd...
- E3P9: Back to the School
- E3P8: Rio's Departure
- E3P7: Rio's Warning
- E3P6: Rio Beoru
- E3P5: Challenges
- E3P4: School reunion
- E3P3: Two days later
- E3P2: The Evil Laugh
- E3P1: Mystery at the Mid-Tech Academy
E3 Title Card
- E2P115: Another forest ending
- E2P114: Comic book Physics...
- E2P113: Stoneage invite
- E2P112: How to detect trouble
- E2P111: Back so soon?
- E2P110: Wanna get high?
- E2P109: Gone in a cloud of smoke
- E2P108: Could this be the end of the USB phantom?
- E2P107: Team USBC has left the building
- E2P106: Gang up
- E2P105: Team USBC wins
- E2P104: The Shop Fight (P22: Ending with a Boom - Shadow Bros' Disconnect)
- E2P103: The Shop Fight (P21: Miss?)
- E2P102: The Shop Fight (P20: One last twin attempt)
- E2P101: The Shop Fight (P19: Tinker disconnected)
- E2P100: The Shop Fight (P18: Lady Reaper disconnected)
- E2P99: The Shop Fight (P17: Spike disconnected)
- E2P98: The Shop Fight (P16: Taking Grom out)
- E2P97: The Shop Fight (P15: Grudges)
- E2P96: The Shop Fight (P14: Hanging around)
- E2P95: The Shop Fight (P13: Where's Phil?)
- E2P94: The Shop Fight (P12: More Theft)
- E2P93: The Shop Fight (P11: Rooftop)
- E2P92: The Shop Fight (P10: Flubber)
- E2P91: The Shop Fight (P9: Leech seed?)
- E2P90: The Shop Fight (P8: No longer in the green)
- E2P89: The Shop Fight (P7: Spike and Tinker)
- E2P88: The Shop Fight (P6: Its all in the name)
- E2P87: The Shop Fight (P5: Team move)
- E2P86: The Shop Fight (P4: Demonic Plate)
- E2P85: The Shop Fight (P3: Lillys Turn Part 2)
- E2P84: The Shop Fight (P2: Lillys Turn)
- E2P83: The Shop Fight (P1: Chisel Dart)
- Nothing to do with USB: Spike
- E2P82: Holo-clamps: the explination.
- E2P81: Real USB's?
- E2P80: Holo-Clamps
- E2P79: Steroid guy, midget and Slut
- EP78: A phantom Explination
- E2P77: No news is good news
- E2P76: From the Darkness comes...
- E2P75: Here they come, to save the day!
- E2P74: To the USB Basement!
- E2P73: Use it good
- E2P72: Mugshots and a plan
- E2P71: Josh's Idea
- info Bite - Mugshots
- E2P70: There be a Robbery going on...
- E2P69: Another Crowd
- E2P67: Stop causing trouble…
- E2P66: Updated City
- E2P65: Ya just cant get rid of me!
- E2P64: Too stoned to go to prision
- 2P63: Life signs near
- E2P62: Rivers Bitch
- E2P61: The Cat Fight (P8 - river and lily victorious)
- E2P60: The Cat Fight (P7 - Counter Attack)
- E2P59: The Cat Fight (P6 - Florists Bomb)
- E2P58: The Cat Fight (P5 - Pokemon with powerchips)
- E2P57: The Cat Fight (P4 - Feild Chip)
- E2P56: The Cat Fight (P3 - She wants to break free)
- E2P55: The Cat Fight (P2 - Root Entrapment)
- E2P54: The Cat Fight (P1 - Connect)
- E2P53: Pickin Power-Chips
- E2P52: Rivers first Connect
- E2P51: Return to the IT lab
- E2P50: Revenge of the Transition
- E2P49: Another good idea?
- E4P48: Deadpool, Spiderman and the invisible woman
- E4P47: Shit-for-brains
- E2P46: The Slut
- E2P45: Reputation
- E2P44: Criminals of 2100
- E2P43: Awaken: the USB's
- E2P42: Hearing things?
- E2P41: the smell of sewage and Character traits
- E2P40: The Highway to copyright
- E2P39: Or do we...
- E2P38: Good idea?
- E2P37: Plan C
- E2P36: Plan B
- E2P36: Plan A
- E2P35: Need not think
- E2P34: The voice in his head hates him...
- E2P33: Be like Batman
- E2P32: Scooby Doo
- 2P31: thinking aloud
- E2P30: Like the phantom?
- E2P29: A Kip
- E2P28: how to make long explinations short...
- E2P27: Main characters only
- 2P26: Lazyness
- E2P25: Revenge of the loser kids
- E2P24: Len Rio
- E2P23: Stoners at School
- E2P22: one long mess up
- E2P21: recycled jokes
- E2P20: Robbin' the school
- E2P19: K-9
- E2P18: What makes Wade who he is
- E2P17: The assesment (2/2)
- E2P16: The assesment (1/2)
- E2P15: The Invisible Man
- E2P14: They seem nice...
- 100th Page Teaser
- E2P12: meet the parents
- E2P11: River of Readers
- E2P10: Another friend?
- E2P9: Sorry, what?
- E2P8: A mother knows these things
- E2P7: The point of Weed
- E2P6: Static Shock
- E2 Title Card
- E2P5: The seccond Pre-titles (P5 - Sister Act)
- E2P4: The seccond Pre-titles (P4 - any more Questions?)
- E2P3: The seccond Pre-titles (P3 - Click, sizzle, thump!)
- E2P2: The seccond Pre-titles (P2 - Enter FUROE)
E2P1: The seccond Pre-titles (P1 - Recap)
- Episode One Credits
- E1P82: How to actualy end an episode
- E181: How to end an Episode?
- E1P80: stoning
- E1P79: The final Prize
- E1P78: Strong Bond
- E1P77: USB Blast
- E1P76: Swear by it
- E1P75: well within the rules
- E1P74: Cheat or no cheat?
- E1P74: The First Battle, Tie-break 11/11 (Ultra Shot to victory)
- E1P73: The First Battle, Tie-break 10/11 (What a Fucking Liberty)
- E1P72: The First Battle, Tie-break 9/11 (something big)
- E1P71: The First Battle, Tie-break 8/11 (somethings coming)
- E1P70: The First Battle, Tie-break 7/11 (Someones watching)
- E1P69: The First Battle, Tie-break 6/11 (What the buggery)
- E1P68: The First Battle, Tie-break 5/11 (Retarded badger)
- E1P67: The First Battle, Tie-break 4/11 (Screw the rules)
- E1P66: The First Battle, Tie-break 3/11 (Sweet Time)
- E1P65: The First Battle, Tie-break 2/11 (Dont go all Emo!)
- E1P64: The First Battle, Tie-break 1/11 (A lagging Trip)
- E1P63 & 1/2: The Race Track
- E1P63: Connect... again...
- E1P62: Enter Deadpool (here to save the day)
- E1P61: Flat 3E
- E1P60: The Key
- E1P59: Crashing for a pint
- E1P58: the fun of terror...
- E1P57: Hitting
- E1P56: The First Battle, Round Two (8/8)
- E1P55: The First Battle, Round Two (7/8)
- E1P54: The First Battle, Round Two (6/8)
- E1P53: The First Battle, Round Two (5/8)
- E1P52: The First Battle, Round Two (4/8)
- E1P51: The First Battle, Round Two (3/8)
- E1P50: The First Battle, Round Two (2/8)
- E1P49: The First Battle, Round Two (1/8)
- E1P48: The First Battle, Round One (5/5)
- E1P47: The First Battle, Round One (4/5)
- E1P46: The First Battle, Round One (3/5)
- E1P45: The First Battle, Round One (2/5)
- E1P44: The First Battle, Round One (1/5)
- E1P43: Kinky rules
- E1P42: Connect
- E1P41: Bang, Bang
- E1P40: Sell your stuff
- E1P39: The seccond reason
- E1P38: Buzz kill
- E1P37: Plan B
- E1P36: To the School!
- E1P35: Re-Activating the 001M / Awaken - Xtarmi
- E1P34: Introducing... me!
- E1P33: 'The Loser Kids'
- E1P32: USB Corp.
- E1P31: Back to rivers...
- E1P30: River Song
- E1P29: Inner monologue
- E1P28: Not his sidekick!
- E1P27: The girl with the red hair
- E1P26: Return to the USB shop
- E1p25: Breaking the fourth wall
- E1P24: Interrupting the Bat
- E1P23: The 001M USB
- E1P22: What would jeeves say?
- E1P21: To the docks
- E1P20‘Uncle’ Phil and the USB shop
- E1P19: To the USB shop!
- E1P18: Its a Challenge!
- E1P17: Blowing up the pig
- E1P16: He's on a boat
- E1P15: The Whirring gun of electricity
- E1P14: The USB Phantom
- E1P13: Jeeves the butler USB
- E1P12: Safety
- E1P11Parental discussion
- E1P10: First name terms
- E1P9: Wade Wilson
- E1 P8: Answering the door (Pt2)
- E1 P7: Answering the door (Pt1)
- E1P6: Train
- E1P5: Wade's Trip
- E1P4: A dogs life
- E1P3:Mums the word
- E1P2: Introductions (pt2)
- E1P1: Introductions (pt1)
E1 Title Card
E4P47: Josh & the Phantom VS Mid-tech duo - Round Two (P4)
ozzy1181 on April 13, 2011
ozzy1181 at 8:53AM, April 17, 2011
yeah, its because recently the site had a cock up, and everyone lost pages they'd updated since january... i'll fix them eventuly... but if you really want to read them you can go to my back-up site: http://usbcomic.thecomicseries.com/
little Phantom at 5:52AM, April 17, 2011
I cannot read the comics E4P30-E4P47... but your comic is cool!
picosux224 at 7:16PM, April 16, 2011
*eye twitches*
Lytleblueyes at 10:24PM, April 15, 2011
@picosun224, that meme is really old, it has been used over 9000 times...
picosux224 at 5:05PM, April 14, 2011
from a line in starwars:ITS A TRAP!
Guardian2 at 2:46PM, April 14, 2011
Maybe moving the bookcase will activate an Ejection program if you try to move it the wrong way.
picosux224 at 1:20PM, April 14, 2011
@rapter:i believe it is
Rapter at 9:41AM, April 14, 2011
Is that a cave behind the bookcase?