ahem.... truth time.... its summer here and me and him don't really see each other much sooooo.... me no get drawings, he get no scan, you get no update
srry guys but i wont be updating for a while... but trust me there will be a huge amount of updates in a later time, supriseing new characters,tradgity,also things that u would like be dude thats kool!!! and pll im srry again tune in later.
end_game at 12:05PM, June 7, 2007
ahem.... truth time.... its summer here and me and him don't really see each other much sooooo.... me no get drawings, he get no scan, you get no update
shadowhawk26 at 11:43AM, June 7, 2007
srry guys but i wont be updating for a while... but trust me there will be a huge amount of updates in a later time, supriseing new characters,tradgity,also things that u would like be dude thats kool!!! and pll im srry again tune in later.
Drazi500 at 9:37AM, June 7, 2007
end_game at 5:01PM, June 6, 2007