Not Really an Update...
romulux on Jan. 8, 2008
Well, as all three of my readers may have noticed, I have not been posting new episodes for a few weeks now. Do not despair, though: i have not forsaken “The Scene”, rather it has simply been gestating in a cocoon of creativity, and soon it will emerge reborn as a majestic moth.
If you haven't guessed it from the above clip, I am working on an animated iteration of my creation. Let me know what you think, this is a very rough preview but I thought it looked funny enough to post.
Also, to anyone who's browser doesn't automatically resize huge pictures I apologize.
one_am at 1:49PM, Jan. 24, 2008
omg. this just made my last 20 min. at work. i laughed out loud at the potato incident because i so remember that!
Gavin at 6:12AM, Jan. 9, 2008
updating is for nerds. get around to it when you have time. we'll be here.
Rori at 11:55PM, Jan. 8, 2008
I like the design! I can't wait to see the finished product, whenever that may be... :P I can't really razz you about updating, cuz, ya know, I don't have much of a concept of that myself. --Deep Impact
rmmanuel at 11:32PM, Jan. 8, 2008
Now 4!!