legacyhero on Feb. 28, 2007
Meet Eastgates newest and youngest (hence the name) heroes!
This is a brand new cover for their debut here at drunkduck!You can still view the original at the Young Defenders site (but why bother? this one is WAY better!
Phoenixencore at 11:17AM, Feb. 5, 2010
Alright. You have so many comics to choose from so I will start with young defenders.
melsr007 at 7:11AM, June 1, 2008
royduncan100 at 6:29AM, May 12, 2008
lapaix at 5:12AM, April 7, 2008
cool cover
SympleSymon at 2:13PM, Jan. 27, 2008
Sweet cover, the heroes look uber-cute!
timlight at 8:08AM, March 1, 2007
great cover & cool cast