Page 51: The End!
antcomics on Jan. 27, 2011
Complete with Happy Rainbow! D'awwww. Had to just sap it up as much as possible there, know what I mean?
And there ya have it. The True Story of Air Jane, a cartoon story I did way back in 1995 (in case you didn't catch that back there at the beginning, yup, it's 15 years old!).
I am seriously considering re-doing this one day (think I may've mentioned that too), but in more comic book format. And I won't consolidate the story so much, I left out a lot of scenes and characters that would be a lot of fun to put in there.
antcomics at 7:18AM, Jan. 31, 2011
Hey no problem, I'm so glad you like it! :D Thanks for popping by to check it out Flup!
Flup at 6:05AM, Jan. 30, 2011
I just read through this story! I really liked Air Jane's meandering, lively narration, and all the references of course. Thanks for putting this on Drunkduck, it was a great read!