Chapter 2 - (Pg. 3)
TraceurAndrew on Jan. 20, 2011
Funny thing, computers. I get so distracted by the plethora of things I can do on them. Webcomics? But what about that one youtube video I have to watch 6000 times? Where's the time for that? Funny thing is, you need a computer for comics, but its such a distraction that it's hard to make them… :P
I'm really happy about the 4th frame, not so much about the 3rd, face looks a bit ugly… Spent like, an hour working on it to no avail… Ah well
Also, another funny thing, My update schedule is every 10 days, and even though I'm supposed to be updating on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of the month, I've been updating 1 day later… Does that make me consistent? I guess I've been spending the actual day with the inking, and the next day with the coloring (Round 4 hours of work total).
Anywho, thank's to Maycroft who seems to be one of the few consistent readers I know of, besides a few close friends :). You guys are the best :D
TraceurAndrew at 8:14PM, Feb. 11, 2011
Yeah, I'm having trouble even getting around to inking it. My schedule this week was hell. Huge project due monday, Chemistry test tuesday along with drivers ed for 2 hours in the evening. More drivers ed on Wednesday and Thursday, and I had a speech and a math test today... I'm so tired... Good news is, my friend is teaching me how to make paintings in photoshop, so maybe that will motivate me to get some inking done over the next 2 days. Im thinking of trying for releasing 2 pages by the 30th, to kinda make up for this shitting school month. :(
TraceurAndrew at 11:42PM, Feb. 1, 2011
Lack of comic = School troubles. Getting terrible grades in Chemistry and Psychology working to get those up. Will try to release another page on the 10th, but don't get too worked up...