07 - Course of Events
Inkmonkey on Aug. 7, 2006
Not entirely true, but you have to admit they're quite similar
I'm starting to think I can consider this “Experiment” a bit of a success, since I regularly see comments by people who admit to disliking sprites saying that they like this series. I think the only step beyond that would be to somehow make this series so good that people don't think of it as a “sprite comic”, and just think of it as a “comic”. Personally, I think that's like saying, “I hope people stop calling this ‘The Ocean’ and just start thinking of it as ‘water’”. Still, experiments once thought successful have proven the opposite in the past, so I'm going to keep it up for now, and see where tomorrow takes me and the Guys.
The Comic Reaper at 10:27AM, June 17, 2008
This comic has died. I officially declare this comic dead...
Rowsen at 7:08PM, April 25, 2008
I-I never noticed the coin-flower thing in all my years of gaming! That's awesome. And to those who hate sprite comics, they are perfectly fine as long as effort is made (here for example). 5/5
edwar at 7:52PM, April 10, 2007
Pretty good comic.
Lords_of_Darkness at 8:00PM, Dec. 20, 2006
lol this is actualy funny, you should keep updating it
Krensada at 4:24PM, Dec. 13, 2006
Super mario brothers...the fire,flower,coin in question was probably programmed in a language like Q-basic. WHich means that the Programmer had to individually set up where and what color each pixel was until it was time for him to arrange the levels. the pallete swapping back then was nonexisent as all graphics had to be generated by hand. Mario bros also probably took a good long time for the programmer to make.
Inkmonkey at 8:42PM, Oct. 15, 2006
I'm just really not excited for this series anymore, especially now that I'm in school and all. I've considered finding someone to handle the construction part of this series for me (put the actual comics together), but really I felt that the construction was a big part of what separated it from most sprite comics I'd seen, and I didn't want it to lose that.
LowResAtari at 10:06PM, Sept. 29, 2006
Is this done? Or have you just not really had much time to do another?
Shiori Tsumi at 8:13PM, Sept. 27, 2006
....He's right. Normally, I don't like sprite comics too much (except for 8-bit theater, but that's something else) but y'know...you're right, the Shy 'Experiment' is turning out really well!
The mediocre one at 5:13PM, Sept. 14, 2006
very nice, I really have nothing to suggest, you have background, stances, jokes, everything.
Demeter at 6:10AM, Aug. 29, 2006
I think shy guys were a good thing to do a sprite comic with- they have big, simple faces so its easier to see changes in expression. With a lot of sprite comics, any change in expression is usually hard to see because of how small the faces are. I don't have a problem with the funny sprite comics, but sometimes it bothers me.
chaosflame24 at 8:47PM, Aug. 13, 2006
To me its not a sprite comic... its just a comic with strangely drawn charachters.
lefarce at 9:17PM, Aug. 11, 2006
Oh, and to let you know, I never once thought of this as being a sprite comic. Seeing as you don't follow sprite rules but rather comic rules, it don't think it's anything but a comic.
deathshaman at 6:11AM, Aug. 9, 2006
Well, the concept of a Mario sprite comic is very rarely seen. Megaman is the most common (so it will always get lower). LOZ is hard to do since the only way to make a good format with it is the second game (and people do not like the appearence). Kirby and Sonic had their own shows, so that leaves them out. So: -Mario, Donkey Kong, and Metroid are the only ones which people WILL give higher points to. Plus, you use different panel formats and most strips are 3-4 panels side-by-side.
Radec at 7:35PM, Aug. 8, 2006
While I am not entirely a fan of sprite comics, I do so love the shy guys. shy guys rock. We're talkin' Heavy Metal rockage.
Doklor567 at 4:07PM, Aug. 8, 2006
for once its not his fault
theduckofanime at 2:49PM, Aug. 8, 2006
How come I never noticed that about the coin... dammit... yer right!
Aurora Moon at 1:08PM, Aug. 8, 2006
I love the purpleness.. ^_^
Skulldog at 1:06PM, Aug. 8, 2006
The coin/fire flower thing blew my mind..screw comics I'm going back to classic gaming now.