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Project Hyrule on Sept. 22, 2006
I was trying a different text style, so, no, King is not shouting in panel 5. On a side note: in panel 4, King is looking at his reflection in the water.
Project Hyrule at 9:20PM, Sept. 23, 2006
In panel 6, Sonic laughs, then, in panel 5, asks King if he is surpurised.
Bit Player at 11:52PM, Sept. 22, 2006
I am confused by the last panel.
seastone130 at 10:12PM, Sept. 22, 2006
KON!!! I shall steal your Kon plushie...mweheheh U must be on now, otherwise u would have updated page 5 already...XD
Project Hyrule at 9:20PM, Sept. 23, 2006
In panel 6, Sonic laughs, then, in panel 5, asks King if he is surpurised.
Bit Player at 11:52PM, Sept. 22, 2006
I am confused by the last panel.
seastone130 at 10:12PM, Sept. 22, 2006
KON!!! I shall steal your Kon plushie...mweheheh U must be on now, otherwise u would have updated page 5 already...XD