Oh damn! The zombie the kids thought was actually a Stalfo! BTW the background for the last 2 panels were found on google by typing in “cybernetic backgrounds”. LOL
It's just to show actuality. Somewhat like Shadow's where his mini Pokemon sprites turn into the Body Pose. If it looks bad tell me, I won't use it anymore.
BetaFlameEXE at 3:03PM, July 21, 2010
Yeah I'm not really good at customs, so I'm gonna just use it this way lol.
xVegitox at 2:59PM, July 21, 2010
Ahh would have looked cooler if you had a sprite like that, except toon link style. That way it'd match his over world design.
BetaFlameEXE at 1:00PM, July 21, 2010
It's just to show actuality. Somewhat like Shadow's where his mini Pokemon sprites turn into the Body Pose. If it looks bad tell me, I won't use it anymore.
xVegitox at 12:47PM, July 21, 2010
In the last 2 panels link goes from being Toon Link to Real Link?
Ettie at 5:18PM, July 20, 2010
This is a nice comic!
BetaFlameEXE at 3:51PM, July 20, 2010
In Minish Cap and the DS versions.
necrolichmon at 3:25PM, July 20, 2010
i dont remember any stalfo. which game was it again?