#1 The Ultimate Ninja Becomes a Dentist!
arspitzer on April 29, 2022
Special Guest Star's Hand: Stan “The Man” Lee!
Ultimate Ninja and Self-Righteous Preacher were created by Raymond “wReam” Bingham
Cheesecake Eater Lad was created by Matthew Jotham Millheiser
Catalyst Lass was created by Elisabeth Riba
Green Kiwis were created by Ian “Descrii” Porell
And Dr. Repeat Pirate, Godless Gorilla, Pope Lizardsaurus, and the two very sarcastic larger than the world stick figures were created by me (Arthur Spitzer)
The Legion of Net.Heroes: The Webcomic was created way back in 2007 (looking at when I first promoted it – it would've been up by at least November 3rd of 2007) and posted on the no-longer Webcomics Nation site. It was based on the long running (since 1992) USENET prose shared universe of the Legion of Net.Heroes that ran on the newsgroups rec.arts.comics.creative and alt.comics.lnh (and is having its 30th Anniversary today).
It was kind of a goof probably inspired by looking at the Dinosaur Comics webcomic and thinking, ‘Hey! I could do this!’ (but actually when you try it – it's way harder than it looks!) This was the first webcomic I ever tried to do and I basically scribbled the art using a paint program. This would also be where the Ripping Off King Arthur character Pope Lizarsaurus came from.
This is set in its own continuity and doesn't really have much to do with the actual LNH prose stuff other than snagging some characters and stuff. And a lot of prose LNH stories are way better than this thing – so don't judge the LNH too harshly because you read these strips (I myself did way better work for the LNH than this.)
I did some reformatting work with the word balloons so the text isn't as cramped – so this is a slightly different version than the ones that were posted on Webcomics Nation. (also the logo and numbers are different).
Anyways, for more info on the real LNH check out this wiki here: