King of the Universe: Page 03
denji on April 15, 2007
am watching the beatles right now…
aren't they a legendary band? Man..those guys are just too stunning for words. as well as being this band of great music, they are SUCH a revolutionary band~ I hadn;t really realised how they changed the world ^3^; buut, makes me proud to be an English folkian!
THANKYOU people who have commented..; you don't know how it spurs me on!! DX this page is kind of boring, too… the last panel is supposed to be quite nice to look at but I feel Im screwed that one up DX;. I promise it goes somewhere…
sword_dagger at 7:05AM, June 6, 2008
wow I can't wait to find out what she searches for.
denji at 2:45AM, May 3, 2007
HURRAY ANOTHER SPITZ FAAAAN~~ *screams* Yeah, I ADORE spitz~ please check out this site:: and we are a small bunch, but you can d/l more spitz music, and videos!! if you like, Bex or me can send you more spitz songs anyways~
Kristen Gudsnuk at 2:08AM, May 3, 2007
wow, I LOVVEEE SPITZ!! not just Je t'aime, but also Namida!! *faints* so they're beatles-inspired? that explains why I'm so into them...!! yay!! the guy's voice is just so full of emotion!! *cries* it's beautiful! and of course Paul McCartney's amazing at everything he does. his classical stuff is just AWESOME~!
denji at 9:18AM, April 29, 2007
Sweetninja:: thnak you so muhc, I'm glad you like it :D~~ and YAY for the beatles I'm glad you like it!! ^3^//
denji at 9:17AM, April 29, 2007
Kristen..I wonder if you would get this?! XD I've enver commented like this beofre but i see others doing it! anywya thank you! *highfive* and OMG I can't belive you know so much about the beatles!! at the time I was just watching a clip of thier music~~ Hurray, and much respect to you for loving them so much!! also, paul macartney is GEEAT! have you heard his classical peices, they are amazing @A@~ a;lso, i heard My sis reccomened you 'je t'aime' from SPITZ they are my fave band!!!!111!! and they are inspired by the beatles XD;~ ooh, feel free to go odff on a tangent ^_^
Kristen Gudsnuk at 4:19PM, April 26, 2007
hey~ congrats on getting into that sequential art program too!!! YAY! *high fives*
sweetninja566 at 6:43PM, April 17, 2007
I love the color fade of the jacket. And id have to say my favorite beatles song is hard days night. YAY!!!
Kristen Gudsnuk at 4:07PM, April 16, 2007
ooh once again, a very beautiful page!! when you say you're watching the beatles... do you mean one of their movies (yellow submarine, help, a hard day's night, or the oft-forgot but kristen-cherished Magical Mystery Tour), their documentary (Let it Be!) or one of the myriad television performances from the 60s? I LOVE the beatles! as a matter of fact I'm wearing a beatles shirt right now!!! I LOVE PAUL MCCARTNEY!!! ~_~ he's a genius, AND he was way-hot back in the day. oh paul, marry me. I actually sang the song "Oh! Darling" for a talent show, and it was way fun... I... uh, didn't win though. IT STILL ROCKED HARDCORE BECAUSE IT WAS THE BEATLES THOUGH!!! :D!!!! oh gee, I went off on a tangent.