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CORY on July 15, 2007
I made this in an hour. It will definitely please my buds over at smackjeeves.PS. The punchline is actually the ALTERNATE PUNHCLINE!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!?!??!/1//?!?!?!?!
Vindibudd at 12:49PM, July 21, 2007
Green_Tangerine at 8:33AM, July 16, 2007
It's SO crazy. That's how crazy.
I heart artists at 5:33AM, July 16, 2007
The Post-it was too pushy - it should have said "PLEASE don't steal" It got what it deserved.
Vindibudd at 12:49PM, July 21, 2007
Green_Tangerine at 8:33AM, July 16, 2007
It's SO crazy. That's how crazy.
I heart artists at 5:33AM, July 16, 2007
The Post-it was too pushy - it should have said "PLEASE don't steal" It got what it deserved.