Aang didn't have alast bittersweet moment with his girlfriend?! That's ay harsh! I wish there was more of an ending here besides AANGS DEAD. Like... some sort of scene of him being reborn in the vext village of the cycle, or him joining the other legendary avatars...Something!
Wow. You have a terrific art style! Do you have any plans in the works for original characters maybe? I think I'd get more out of these if I knew the people and references, but I'm afraid my popular culture background is extremely limited ^.^
I must say, the characters looked very fluid, not stiff at all. I didn't really like the writing, but it was a short story with a lot of information to get in. I also didn't like that Aang died, but whatever. Nice work ^^
mishi_hime at 3:40PM, April 26, 2009
Aang didn't have alast bittersweet moment with his girlfriend?! That's ay harsh! I wish there was more of an ending here besides AANGS DEAD. Like... some sort of scene of him being reborn in the vext village of the cycle, or him joining the other legendary avatars...Something!
alexcat321 at 7:57PM, April 25, 2009
TokyoRose at 5:42PM, April 25, 2009
Wow! Nice.
alexcat321 at 3:45PM, April 24, 2009
I have big plans for original characters coming soon actually. Thanks!
amanda at 10:01AM, April 24, 2009
Wow. You have a terrific art style! Do you have any plans in the works for original characters maybe? I think I'd get more out of these if I knew the people and references, but I'm afraid my popular culture background is extremely limited ^.^
alexcat321 at 2:27PM, April 22, 2009
Thanks a lot you guys, I have a Naruto Vs. Hulk comic coming soon as well!!! I will work on resizing as well!!
Negative Zero at 1:48PM, April 22, 2009
Aww. I must say, the characters looked very fluid, not stiff at all. I didn't really like the writing, but it was a short story with a lot of information to get in. I also didn't like that Aang died, but whatever. Nice work ^^
Lemniskate at 12:30PM, April 22, 2009
Looks intriguing, but the big pages are no fun to read. Could you resize them?