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supermathsbeaver on Dec. 31, 2009
Before anyone asks, I did not get my rabbit drunk in order to do this. He is sleeping; the little cutie! ^_^
confusedsoul at 11:12AM, Jan. 1, 2010
artdude2002: Hat? What hat? That's his natural head shape.
artdude2002 at 4:53AM, Jan. 1, 2010
Happy New Year! It's hard to tell where the hat ends and the rabbit begins.
confusedsoul at 11:12AM, Jan. 1, 2010
artdude2002: Hat? What hat? That's his natural head shape.
artdude2002 at 4:53AM, Jan. 1, 2010
Happy New Year! It's hard to tell where the hat ends and the rabbit begins.