Community Project Time!
THKNN_NUL on April 9, 2008
College has been okay, but it doesn't leave me much free time. sorry about the delays.
Now Altimas has the First 5, since he wanted #22
So Rules 26-225 are all up for grabs!
Also, forgot to mention the comics DON'T have to be sprite. It can be ANYTHING as long as:
1. You have the Rule Stated at the Top/Bottom of the page.
2. Made as Funny as possible
3. Is within T+ range
You also can either make your OWN overlord, or(if you run it by me first) you can use one of our CURRENT evil overlords:
1. Torano Nenjet
2. Black Dove(Omen)
3. J_man(the Jinglehimershmit Bros)
4. Ryu_The_Fox(Ryu Folks)
5. Altimas
6. Valavor(Tia the Pink)
Any questions?
THKNN_NUL at 9:24PM, April 15, 2008
thaere are lots to chose from. i'll PQ you the list
Yo_mama at 2:28PM, April 15, 2008
I'd help, but with this many people helping, I doubt I'll be able to do any that are worth doing. That, and I'm lazy.
THKNN_NUL at 6:40PM, April 10, 2008
@ALL: alright! this is going better then i expected. just PQ me the rule numbers you want and i'll let you know if they've been taken or not.
Rentorian at 6:24PM, April 10, 2008
I'll do some, doesn't really matter which ones I do.
Gaara of the Sand at 5:01PM, April 10, 2008
I want in on this! I just wonder how I can make it with the kind of computer I have. Plus, I need sprites.
Ryu_The_Fox at 4:54PM, April 10, 2008
I call all the evil rules that i'm in(that include me and my asistant) and then I' gonna use some more
ultimakid222 at 4:30PM, April 10, 2008
sweet ill do one once I get a rule
JayX at 4:03PM, April 10, 2008
I might do some.Maybe not. I'll think about it.
Mega Greg at 3:59PM, April 10, 2008
:D That means I want to get into that type of red sticky madness. Whatever that means.
Black Daisy at 3:35PM, April 10, 2008
I wanna do 26-30. If I wanted 2, could i do more?
omegasonic0 at 3:20PM, April 10, 2008
I want rules 81-85. I may change my mind later though, or decide to do more.
Martin Prower at 2:29PM, April 10, 2008
@NUL: I did but I might change my mind later @Black Daisy: Theres a link to the list on the first page And since I can rate again..
sasuke of the leaf at 2:16PM, April 10, 2008
once i know how to get one to you I'll do it with my overlord:ZOMBIE SASUKE!i call him that because he is green.
Black Daisy at 2:12PM, April 10, 2008
I would do this, but I don't know any rules......and I suck at jokes.
omegasonic0 at 2:01PM, April 10, 2008
I'll do some, I just have to figure out wich ones I want...
THKNN_NUL at 1:41PM, April 10, 2008
who said YOU couldn't do any?
Martin Prower at 1:29PM, April 10, 2008
Guess that means I'm out of the job, eh it was fun while it lasted