Issue 45: Chapter 2 opening...and some power junkie
SpennyJ on June 3, 2007
Ok…the tron deff…big yellow thing. Is one of…well lets say the bad guys…as is the dog bot. The two are always arguing over who is better…you will get the jist later on.
anyhoo. Welcome back me, and welcome all of you. the readers to the grand opening of my second chapter.
Not only does this signal my new chapter but also the best thing that has ever happened to me. for the first time ever i am actually pushing ahead with one of my comics. Tama'krato in my eyes has been a huge success and i want to thank all of my readers for their support
So enjoy this issue….sorry about the slight delay, but thats life.
Drazi500 at 3:18PM, June 21, 2007
I don't know. Spen said to me it was over but I'm not sure yet...he also said he was serious but then I'm not sure. XD
zaneeba_slave at 11:25AM, June 21, 2007
has Tama krato died, or is it just sleeping?
vie4 at 8:25AM, June 21, 2007
interesting comic
AquaZ90 at 10:33AM, June 20, 2007
Nothing beats downtrodden robots. Good job.
timlight at 12:54AM, June 15, 2007
hey there, see my rendition of John on [url=] DrunkDuck Speesheez: Civil War - Zac Network[/url]
Sytthe_the_Hedgehog at 10:02AM, June 11, 2007
I dunno much bout spritin, so i'll go with Bebb on this.
Sytthe_the_Hedgehog at 8:25AM, June 11, 2007
Hmmmmmm, ehhhhh, ok.
SpennyJ at 1:51PM, June 10, 2007
Micky at 11:59AM, June 9, 2007
Nice work dude!
ZoeStead at 4:03AM, June 7, 2007
Great work!
SpennyJ at 10:02AM, June 6, 2007
thanks antoine, great to see again
Antionestrife at 9:13AM, June 6, 2007
What tha?! Good page it was funny how he was suddenly board after the robot dogs ran by. glad your back to Spenny J. You was gone for a while too, man.
SpennyJ at 12:07PM, June 5, 2007
fair enough....both of you
zaneeba_slave at 11:34AM, June 5, 2007
Spenny J: I just merely said that they looked familiar. I know you didnt steal them off me, because I got my backgrounds off BGHQ. So, logically, I was the one who stole them, not you. :)
Drazi500 at 11:12AM, June 5, 2007
Nope. Mabey Thursday...depending on tommorow...Since we've finished the course.
SpennyJ at 10:37AM, June 5, 2007
Btw , just to get it straight. these guys are the bad guys guard. they are part of the evil group that attacked f2
SpennyJ at 10:37AM, June 5, 2007
Alex: you know i do not follow the law of bitmixing alex...thanks though ^_^ Laserlemon: So your on the side of the Dog bots lol. Tera: Lol, good to see you :) Zaneba: I didn't take them off you...if thats what you mean. i have had these b grounds in reserve since the begining. plus, you will not be the only person with them ìì Drazi: thanks man. You above all else have given me the greatest amount of support. see you in school tomorrow yes?
Drazi500 at 10:24AM, June 5, 2007
I've been with this comic from the start...and I never thought you'd even consider quitting..Glad to see you aren't.
zaneeba_slave at 9:43PM, June 4, 2007
That background looks so very familiar...
I heart artists at 8:29PM, June 4, 2007
laserlemon at 6:46PM, June 4, 2007
That's a lot mechanical dogs. Bark with me if you are my dogs! *Mechanical Barking*
ReaperEX at 4:20PM, June 4, 2007
If he's with our guys, then that's Bit Mixage, but oh well. This comic's good nonetheless.