Well Done Lauren!
01Lozzy01 on April 3, 2007
Hello! I am Laurens brother Jacob. I illustrate the excuse for a comic named
Robby The Robot.
This is my own little something for Lauren to congratulate her on doing really well in her comic and I am so proud of her for keeping it going, well, longer than I did. Enjoy and Happy Easter to you All!
DarthJJB at 8:14AM, July 16, 2007
Dark link, it is based (copied out of) the book of bunny suicides lol. She's 11 and couldn't come up with her own ideas lmao
dark link at 12:11PM, July 7, 2007
well done, but a lot of them were rip-offs of the 'bunny suicides' poster.
DarthJJB at 2:02AM, April 21, 2007
Lauren,[Insert longer congratulatory speech here], Well Done!
TEH Shadow at 1:20PM, April 13, 2007
[Insert two hour long congratulatory speech here] once again, Well Done!
Brogan at 8:17AM, April 7, 2007
mikeytheblackmantis at 12:14PM, April 6, 2007
cool, i'll check it out. happy ester to you guys too