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- Back cover.
- Stand down.
- Unexpected visitors.
- Compromised.
- Interesting theory.
- A little privacy.
- Not authorized.
- Not creepy at all.
- Full marks for timing.
- Full power.
- Not the most helpful answer.
- Hard to explain.
- The comfy chair.
- Null and void.
- Idle speculation.
- Authorization Epsilon.
- You made a mistake.
- Exit strategy.
- Ask me something easy.
- An opportunity.
- Some dialogue.
- Do not proceed.
- I have a plan.
- This is not looking good.
- I love a good tale.
- Something fishy!
- Situation report.
- A long way from all right.
- I'm truly sorry.
- Bits and pieces.
- Wake up.
- Demonstration.
- Say hello to infinity.
- Famous last words.
- Drop that gun.
- And now, a warning.
- Hear my plea.
- A little bit of respect.
- A curious thing.
- As my lady commands.
- Insufferable insolence.
- Translate this.
- Breach of protocol.
- Volunteers.
- Consequences.
- Exit strategy.
- Step aside or die.
- Time to wake up.
- This is survival.
- Frozen.
- Tables are turned.
- No more warnings.
- Curb your impatience.
- Gravity.
- Look harder.
- The nature of mercenaries.
- So much simpler.
- Cover me.
- All clear.
- Safety protocols disabled.
- This is a fine art.
- A little disoriented.
- Hello, beautiful.
- Booty.
- At one's peril.
- No choice.
- You lose some...
- You win some...
- That's far enough.
- Time to end this.
- Problem solved.
- Warm fuzzy feeling.
- Like a hot knife.
- Thrusters firing!
- Weirdest thought.
- I dare you.
- If anything looks weird...
- Little help?
- Up and away!
- A slight dilemma.
- I appreciate the offer.
- No evidence.
- Shoot to kill.
- Should you survive.
- Don't do anything silly.
- Open to suggestions.
- Lt. Ruger.
- We're in trouble.
- Welcome aboard.
- Into the alien ship.
- Burglar alarms.
- Drifting apart.
- Wishful thinking.
- Almost there.
- A little pain.
- Stumped for words.
- Emergency evacuation procedure.
- Knock, knock!
- Going down.
- What have you done?
- Everything depends.
- Contained.
- Mindspace.
- Sudden thought.
- No need to worry.
- Be ready.
- Temporary reprieve.
- Descent.
- Flying high.
- Intuitive guess.
- Bring him.
- Outgunned.
- The brute is down!
- Repo woman.
- Pull the trigger.
- Unexpected welcome.
- Contact.
- Code One.
- None the wiser.
- Tunnel end.
- Something else.
- Down the shaft.
- Sealed in.
- Dream or reality?
- Give it up.
- All your fault.
- False alarm.
- Apologies.
- Ghost echo.
- Nick of time.
- Observing.
- No match.
- Position compromised.
- An explorer.
- He still lives.
- The Guardians.
- We are being scanned.
- Not much choice.
- Exception.
- Going down.
- Evil spirits.
- Contact ahead.
- Familiar emotion.
- Facing fear.
- Into the warpstream.
- Axe raider!
- So tempting.
- Leave no trace.
- It's a trap!
- Ice world.
Other Comics:
It's a trap!
on Sept. 16, 2012
Friggin mercenaries, man!
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