- temporary haitus
- The city of annoyance - bubble
- Through the forest - water bee
- Through the forest - standing in mid air
- Through the forest - Following
- Through the forest - He's sill alive............... unfortunatly
- Through the forest - Charmy's loop
- Through the forest - getting lost
- Through the forest - adandoning JarJar?
- Through the forest - Lies undone
- Through the forest - Saving Jarjar.... unfortunatly
- Through the forest - Run from being squashed
- Through the forest - Where are the Jedi?
Through the forest - stupid things
- The on coming storm - It can mean only one thing.
- The on coming storm - Interuption
- The on coming storm - A call to soon
- The on coming storm - The councilers
The on coming storm - Setlless stage.
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Talks
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Queen Amidala
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - lies back fired
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Peace?
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - remember?
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Force of Gravity
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Who's the destroyer droid?
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - hasty move
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - knuckles takes over.
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Chocolate
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Out of misery.
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Look I have lightsabres!
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Distrerbance in the force
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - It begins.
- Abord The Trade Federation starship - Sidious.
- Abord the trade Federation Starship - Send the droid
Abord The Trade Federation Starship - Questions.
- Beginning - Arrival and how did we arrive?
- Beginning - taunt and farewell!
- Beginning - "Hey Kids!"
Episode 1 Intro
- Preview
saria on April 5, 2008
Yep another sprite comic i'm going to start doing. I just can't get it out of my head so…. wolla! If you wish you can send camos. I've got a lot of roles to fill (not to mention random backround characters) And as a note green hill zone isn't really going to be the Tatooine. Ok i'm going to do a cast page button but this is what i have thus far: http://www.drunkduck.com/Star_Hogs/html/Episode%201%20-%20Jedi.html
ilikechocoletpudding at 9:03AM, June 30, 2009
this is a ausome begging!!!!!!!keep it up!
Black Daisy at 3:03PM, April 14, 2008
I am so gonna love this! Five and Faved.
Martin Prower at 12:17PM, April 8, 2008
[url=http://www.drunkduck.com/Star_Hogs/html/Episode%201%20-%20Jedi.html][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y208/2home/NEVER%20TOUCH/Castpagedemo.png[/IMG][/url] This has been a demo of a Cast Page button
saria at 9:11AM, April 7, 2008
I have been looking through there. Not neccarily finding what i want tho.
Da_Bomber at 2:36PM, April 6, 2008
What about mystcial forest zone?
Martin Prower at 12:34PM, April 6, 2008
@Knuckles: Cause Saria got bored