Chapter 1 Cover
NaomeLunara on Feb. 12, 2009
Sorry guys, I'm starting this one over. It was pretty laughable before and I'd like to make it easier on you guys to look at. XD I redesigned the characters and the title but the story will ultimately be the same. I wont be using ms paint anymore either, I'm far too nit-picky to use it for posting art. ^_^; Well I hope you enjoy what's to come, thanks for reading! *hugs you all*
Asukim at 4:13PM, Sept. 23, 2009
great artistic ability
Jonko at 6:58PM, March 13, 2009
Oooooh, sexy!
sufer009 at 8:54AM, Feb. 20, 2009
Well holy isht! Go You! Lookin forward to it!
HJEEBS at 1:21AM, Feb. 14, 2009
I understand nit-picky. I don't know what the other ones looked like but this is fantastic!! Since there's no six ill give it a 5.
llawliet11 at 9:26PM, Feb. 13, 2009
^^looks cool