Sonic Realm Issue 21
Sonouge on Oct. 1, 2006
I made this comic during my keyboarding class again…so much time to waste on comics in this class XP. Well, enjoy…oh and here's a hint, if you don't get it. Look at the color of the fonts.
Mimarin at 2:52PM, Oct. 2, 2006
You could report those 1s and they would get deleted, they don't say why this is bad. I however rarley make that mistake. ok, you have here 6 panels, I have no idea what was mean't to be going on, there's no real movment or energy in the thing, it makes no sense. also you have colour coded text, that's bad, you got some nasty backgrounds too. the overall look of the page is nasty, it looks bland and boring, and there's no interesting dialogue and it's almost impossible to understand what's going on.
Sonouge at 1:01PM, Oct. 2, 2006
Well Jef damn5...and Commander chaos, instead of saying "OMG LOL UR A NEWB LOLOLOL D:" how about giving some constructive critisicm to help me succeed >>; Like what Superpee did...short but sweet..Speakin of which super pee, Im probably gunna start using transparent speech bubbles using Paint.NET
Commander_Chaos at 10:02AM, Oct. 2, 2006
I agree with jef dam. Go read Crash 'n' Bass' don'ts of sprite comicing.
Superpee at 8:24AM, Oct. 2, 2006
Textboxtails need outlines too.
jef dam5 at 7:58AM, Oct. 2, 2006
I dub this bad.