Should have cloaked...
Silvercanth on April 12, 2008
I've been rather distracted with Team Fortress 2. I know I'm not going to want to make a comic tomorrow because of it, so here's a filler a day early. You probably need to have played TF2 to get what joke there is.
Silvercanth at 7:11AM, April 26, 2008
Hi to you too!
ultimakid222 at 8:15PM, April 19, 2008
FAVED hi dude
Black Daisy at 7:20AM, April 14, 2008
Brawl, how I love thee. Five and faved!
Silvercanth at 2:28PM, April 13, 2008
Ah, thanks a lot. I'm very glad you enjoy it!
THKNN_NUL at 1:12PM, April 13, 2008
FAVED! nice work so far.