#17 - Bowser, King of Retards
Lexxorodius on July 29, 2009
im sad because you guys dont comment :'(
if you guys comment, ill make you a character page for tomorrow, sound fair? i learned how to using le html. im awesome. you guys suck for ripping my heart out and not commenting. you guys help by commenting, no joke. i love it. it makes me feel good on the inside.
Nanien at 4:04AM, March 5, 2012
LOL That's hilarious! :D I especially like the comment where Bowser remarks he was born in a volcano. The way he says it is... is... EPIC.
Xtatiic at 6:04PM, Jan. 11, 2011
@boomer You can, just hit the fav button.
Falconman at 7:01PM, Sept. 29, 2010
Awesome comic!
Boomur at 11:16AM, Aug. 31, 2010
i wish i could suscribe 2 this liek on utube
Xtatiic at 8:18AM, Aug. 31, 2010
in the last panel, gold disappeared. other than that, good page!
PowerFox8 at 3:54PM, Aug. 18, 2010
Blood zx at 4:17PM, Dec. 24, 2009
This comic is AWESOME! Faved
endo101 at 10:31PM, Oct. 9, 2009
Bowser knows wtf a pokemon he just met is saying? wow 0.o
xaxelx at 5:47PM, July 31, 2009
SuperNovaX at 4:06AM, July 31, 2009
Bowser speaks Pokemon language? Interesiting.
Shadow Dinosaur at 10:05AM, July 30, 2009
DOUK at 8:34AM, July 30, 2009
Bowser needs lessons on evil.
exxxtasy69 at 7:54AM, July 30, 2009
Umbreon is fucking awesome!! Glad to see you back updating like it's nothing again, Lexx!! =D
TheLuigiMan at 7:17AM, July 30, 2009
Luve gold.
TheLuigiMan at 7:16AM, July 30, 2009
Epic page is fucking epic. I
Lexxorodius at 6:49AM, July 30, 2009
ALSO, i can add a link to your comic if you supply me with a banner.