Absolutely! The movie was good, just not my favorite in the Nolan Dark Knight trilogy. Good news is that there will be more Batman flicks on the horizon and I'm really pumped that there's a new Superman film just a few months away!
Oh, jeez!
Batman & Robin movie with Bane was so horrible.
It was a film I came very close to walking out of.
Hollywood seriously has a way of making something cool into something that is very stupid.
ljs5123 at 10:47AM, Jan. 26, 2013
Absolutely! The movie was good, just not my favorite in the Nolan Dark Knight trilogy. Good news is that there will be more Batman flicks on the horizon and I'm really pumped that there's a new Superman film just a few months away!
ljs5123 at 6:56AM, Aug. 3, 2012
Thanks! Oh, jeez! Batman & Robin movie with Bane was so horrible. It was a film I came very close to walking out of. Hollywood seriously has a way of making something cool into something that is very stupid.
Jamie59 at 6:55PM, Aug. 2, 2012
Looks good.
El Cid at 5:08PM, Aug. 2, 2012
So much better than the Joel Schumacher version of him!