You read Halp Wanted right?
Never thought a fan would draw good, (Uke draws good though) I'll keep my eyes on you.
P.S. I'm only 15, I hope your young too, that'd be cool.
Good luck you!
You comment was really cool!!
Lonnehart at 12:22AM, June 19, 2009
Looks like I've got another comic to read (and add to my favorites list). Magic is something that you never want to play with too much...
YuKiKoDeSu07 at 9:54PM, Aug. 17, 2008
i saw your other comment on the random list and when i saw it had good art i figured i'd read your other one too! :D Mmm kosho looks like a cutie X3
albone at 8:15AM, March 11, 2008
Very nice artwork.
allanah at 6:40PM, March 3, 2008
You have a nice style, and some great clean inking. I think your art would benefit from using levels on Photoshop or Paintshop pro. Good luck :)
DarkChibiShadow at 10:19AM, July 31, 2007
You read Halp Wanted right? Never thought a fan would draw good, (Uke draws good though) I'll keep my eyes on you. P.S. I'm only 15, I hope your young too, that'd be cool. Good luck you! You comment was really cool!! KEEP READING AND I'LL KEEP READING YA!! FRIENDS!!
RapidoBlue at 2:07AM, July 9, 2007
ha, i like the stlye of the last pannel