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Sandy Y on Dec. 22, 2008
Pembroke… my sweet little lamb… it's okay. We still love you.
Bocaj at 5:39PM, Sept. 11, 2010
I still miss this comic...
Poink at 4:04AM, July 16, 2009
Hahahah, neat I saw you on furaffinity :3
webcomics heh at 10:52AM, May 4, 2009
Sheep's nativity scene got owned. That's why I prefer my mutton to be athiestic.
Polkster at 2:44AM, April 20, 2009
Your comic is glorious.
Bocaj at 8:21PM, Feb. 16, 2009
dead comic?
anise shaw at 12:36AM, Feb. 16, 2009
I'm sad about the lack of updates, this comic was so wonderful! I hope to see new stuff soon!
Saillestraife at 1:25PM, Feb. 13, 2009
Awww! hugs for pembroke, your little star is in heaven now
NikiPaprika at 2:53PM, Jan. 13, 2009
aaaaawwww Pembroke D8 *huggles*
anise shaw at 3:25PM, Dec. 30, 2008
Poor Pembroke... he needs to invent fireproof nativity scenes.
Lemniskate at 10:54AM, Dec. 28, 2008
Cardboard is evil.
Senshuu at 7:29PM, Dec. 23, 2008
He set baby Lambus on fire!
SeriousQuiche at 5:57PM, Dec. 23, 2008
aww *huggles Pembroke*
pantsreminder at 11:20AM, Dec. 23, 2008
Poor Pembroke...
Bocaj at 5:39PM, Sept. 11, 2010
I still miss this comic...
Poink at 4:04AM, July 16, 2009
Hahahah, neat I saw you on furaffinity :3
webcomics heh at 10:52AM, May 4, 2009
Sheep's nativity scene got owned. That's why I prefer my mutton to be athiestic.
Polkster at 2:44AM, April 20, 2009
Your comic is glorious.
Bocaj at 8:21PM, Feb. 16, 2009
dead comic?
anise shaw at 12:36AM, Feb. 16, 2009
I'm sad about the lack of updates, this comic was so wonderful! I hope to see new stuff soon!
Saillestraife at 1:25PM, Feb. 13, 2009
Awww! hugs for pembroke, your little star is in heaven now
NikiPaprika at 2:53PM, Jan. 13, 2009
aaaaawwww Pembroke D8 *huggles*
anise shaw at 3:25PM, Dec. 30, 2008
Poor Pembroke... he needs to invent fireproof nativity scenes.
Lemniskate at 10:54AM, Dec. 28, 2008
Cardboard is evil.
Senshuu at 7:29PM, Dec. 23, 2008
He set baby Lambus on fire!
SeriousQuiche at 5:57PM, Dec. 23, 2008
aww *huggles Pembroke*
pantsreminder at 11:20AM, Dec. 23, 2008
Poor Pembroke...