Shadow and Sonic cover
skybeast on April 8, 2007
shadow ripped by Deekman
amyrose ripped by daniel sidney
sonic advance ripped by daniel sidney
sonic battle ripped by arsenic
tails ripped by Riokenn
rouge ripped by micha/frario
knuckles battle ripped by adam the demon
knuckles advance ripped by daniel sidney
cream battle ripped by unknow person
eggman advance ripped by daniel sidney
sasha the hedgehog at 6:50AM, Dec. 7, 2009
some of those characters are losers, but Amy is definitely NOT one of them.
soonmme at 4:29PM, April 9, 2007
What wes said, plus use of emotions, = an effects
Wes_Nero123 at 3:15PM, April 9, 2007
This looks gave credit, saved as .PNG, and no recolors. Fived, maybe fav'ed if I see a couple of good comics =).