054 50 years ago?
Saber Knight on Aug. 26, 2006
Sorry about the lack of updates. My computer had about 41 viruses so I was um-able to go on for a while. Good news, now my computer is better than ever! More good news, my dad works on computers so he knew how to save all of my sprites and stuffs! Whoo!
ComicMakerEX at 6:39PM, July 28, 2008
PHOENIX DOWN! ...that didn't work did it...
The Comic Reaper at 1:48PM, June 17, 2008
I would like to say this, I officially declare this comic dead...
Mdpikachu at 2:02PM, June 16, 2008
It's cool and all, but can u PLEASE fckn UPDATE?!?
Eprahim at 12:44PM, Dec. 18, 2007
Come on, some updates please..
corbin at 8:03AM, Aug. 30, 2007
god damnit you haven't updated for a year what's the hell
Sonic Shadow sonadow at 7:20AM, April 17, 2007
There is just one thing I want to say: SWÃâ°Ãâ°Ãâ°T!!!
clone at 9:00AM, April 14, 2007
slayer the hedgehog at 6:49AM, April 10, 2007
Very nice comic!!!
wierdo at 1:57PM, Jan. 16, 2007
Is it fixed yet?
Saber Knight at 6:18PM, Dec. 9, 2006
Alright, I am so sorry about being gone for so long. I don't have much of an excuse, other than being distracted. I'd re-start my comics (or, maybe just one for now) if I could, but right now, I cannot access my saved sprites and all that other stuff I use for comic making. I am hoping that it gets fixed within a couple of weeks, hopefully then I shall comtinue comic-making. Oh, yes Yurka, I would like to be in Program Hero again.
Yurka_the_Pure at 2:15PM, Nov. 25, 2006
I am starting up Program Hero from where we left off and was wondering if you want to be in the project again. Please respond. -Yurka
sessy6 at 11:51AM, Nov. 25, 2006
man...did this comic like...die or something?
ComicMakerEX at 5:25PM, Oct. 5, 2006
you must either A. Hate your computer right now B. forgot about DD or C. dead I really hope it's A and definitly not C
Smaza2 at 1:31AM, Sept. 4, 2006
no, 60. (This bit always confused me.)
knux at 2:39PM, Aug. 29, 2006
this is as funny as a kick in the nuts, to someone you dont like...
Nalver Th at 1:36PM, Aug. 29, 2006
this is way cool...
KevinClifford at 1:29PM, Aug. 27, 2006
ZOMG! If this is Number 55 ... Then what happened to 54?! (o.0)
8bitbluemage at 1:24PM, Aug. 27, 2006
Deathbeams: You better not be thinin dirty thoughts... cuz that wouldn't be right. O.O
silverlaser at 9:01AM, Aug. 27, 2006
my friend had like abajillion viuses beacuse of limewire
Sasuke at 7:23AM, Aug. 27, 2006
50 YEARS!!
Deathbeamz at 4:22AM, Aug. 27, 2006
now why did you have all of those viruses....