fukujinzuke on Feb. 2, 2009
Welcome to my first online superhero webcomic! This will most likely be just a short comic to flesh out the origins of a hero known as SHELL.
He's a character created for the primary purpose of being involved in the Heroes Unite continuity along with it's spin-off Heroes Unite Adventures.
The cover here, for the most part, is a preview to what the rest of the pages will look like. Except, there probably won't be any color, since this is just a side project for me, and I'll be using screentone backgrounds from http://screentones.deviantart.com/ and http://psychobob.xepher.net/screentonez/ which will match better without colored characters and actions.
Thanks for checking it out, and here we go!
Rival Comics at 7:00AM, Feb. 26, 2011
Looks awesome. Reminds me of Metroid. I love the color character against that background.
joeyjarin at 9:37PM, Jan. 25, 2011
Looks like I'm late for the party. Gotta start reading. Great job!
yaktheripper at 5:26PM, April 22, 2009
I really love the backround here, very interesting design work mang.
Abt_Nihil at 10:44AM, Feb. 3, 2009
Looking forward to this!
harkovast at 4:36AM, Feb. 3, 2009
Cool looking outfit and the comics premise sounds exciting. Reminds me of the marvel civil war plot (though I am hoping it wont be as much of a jumble as that!) Now hurry and make some more of it!