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Marushi on April 21, 2007
Playboy_GR at 5:10AM, March 12, 2008
Mikado's hair looks very cool! I love the color!
Mutation at 6:07PM, Nov. 2, 2007
I like the girl, but the guy characters look a bit to similar, like they're all 'cool' types. Nice coloring. n.n
mandiedawn at 10:20PM, June 25, 2007
cute characters hugs - Mandie Dawn
methecello at 6:35PM, April 22, 2007
I totally agree. I'll be watching this comic for a long time.
sweetninja566 at 4:19PM, April 22, 2007
so i just read your comic and i love it!!! suspensful romance is great!!! Your doing a great job!
Playboy_GR at 5:10AM, March 12, 2008
Mikado's hair looks very cool! I love the color!
Mutation at 6:07PM, Nov. 2, 2007
I like the girl, but the guy characters look a bit to similar, like they're all 'cool' types. Nice coloring. n.n
mandiedawn at 10:20PM, June 25, 2007
cute characters hugs - Mandie Dawn
methecello at 6:35PM, April 22, 2007
I totally agree. I'll be watching this comic for a long time.
sweetninja566 at 4:19PM, April 22, 2007
so i just read your comic and i love it!!! suspensful romance is great!!! Your doing a great job!