One of the things that I think holds back many aspiring freelance designers is the fact that many of them can’t sell their work and themselves. If you can do brilliantly beautiful work, but can’t get anyone interested in it then it’s not going to earn you a living. I speak from experience when I say these things.
I began my freelance career a few years ago with the thoughts that as long as I did great work and was friendly then word-of-mouth would keep groceries on my table. Fast-forward three years, I still freelance but I also have a part-time job to make ends meet as I, too, learn the fine art of sales.
So if you’re an artist that isn’t happy with his or her sales then take a lesson from Thomas in today’s comic and try your hand at a part time sales gig and learn how to sell
wow, you really made a great advice. If i wasn't drawing like a crippled five year old i'd probably use it. Though i believe this advice is useful in many other fields outside the freelance art.
DefaultNick at 2:24PM, March 25, 2011
wow, you really made a great advice. If i wasn't drawing like a crippled five year old i'd probably use it. Though i believe this advice is useful in many other fields outside the freelance art.