Agham on Sept. 27, 2008
Meet Adam and Noor, my sons.
If you think this is a mushy cute little kiddies comic, you couldn't be more wrong.
This ain't some family oriented comic about a proud daddy and golden children that pull cute and humorous stunts.
This is the real deal. This is about mischief, pure and concentrated as nature created it. And the funny part is, it goes both ways.
On one hand we have Adam (8yo) and Noor (6yo), and on the other we have Dad. I'm gonna put these two boys through anything and everything that comes to mind, that and of course they're bound to retaliate with one thing or another, and I'm bound to capture it on my drawing board. So welcome aboard, check us often, I'm updating this strip twice a week.
PS: If you just followed the link from our old domain at, welcome to the new site, you can un-bookmark the old one :).