28- A Valid Explanation.
Agham on Nov. 27, 2008
Thanks all for the comments and votes, they're really appreciated. Alas this is the last update. As I stated before, this was an amateur experiment and my 1st attempt at drawing a comic. Thanks for the pointers and tips on the forums, they sure helped and will definitely come in handy in my next project.
If you wish to read the crits on Raising Hell check out the Comic Reviews section on forums. And feel free to leave comments on here if you wish.
Original article:
Kids have odd imagination. I could just stand there and listen to their fabricated stories all day..
But it's one thing to be creative, and a completely different thing to try and play me for a fool. I mean.. Bees wouldn't let a couple critters toss them around without doing anything about it, no?….
Gaboris at 6:51AM, Oct. 4, 2015
Well this was a nice little read. I had a ancient link from my college years when I amassed a huge webcomic collection that I didn't read. Lucky that the first page of searching brought up this new "archive". Welp anyways, just thought I'd say this if in case you still check this place. :)
Walrus at 5:24PM, Dec. 3, 2008
Agham, I got on Firefox, now I can see it, damn you IE 8 Beta! Fav'd.
trevoramueller at 12:26PM, Dec. 3, 2008
You're incred-unbelievable! :D
ralphthedog at 9:03AM, Nov. 29, 2008
That did it, thanks!!
Agham at 9:07PM, Nov. 28, 2008
did some modification to the page layout, hope that helps a tad. Let me know? :)
ralphthedog at 6:33PM, Nov. 28, 2008
Nice strip. I can't find a way to fav it either...
Agham at 5:14AM, Nov. 28, 2008
Walrus, I'm not sure why you can't see the user tab up there, i can see it alright. Try raising your screen reso a level perhaps?