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Loki on Feb. 6, 2007
Ok, so I may have fibbed a bit about there not being any more PDS's while Loki's in Kenya….SHHHHHH! Don't tell him! I'm violating his characters!
rainbofish at 2:27PM, Feb. 7, 2007
i second that, bipolar crab.
Bipolar Crab at 1:18PM, Feb. 7, 2007
pointybuttons at 10:35AM, Feb. 7, 2007
The CCAMCC is recruiting members. Check out the comments in Nintendo Super Squad #25 for more info.
Green_Tangerine at 8:30AM, Feb. 7, 2007
Mmm, violated.
Bipolar Crab at 11:09PM, Feb. 6, 2007
You little stoned Pink Bunny, your logic is cute... as cute as my hairy irish @$$!!!
PinkBunny at 10:46PM, Feb. 6, 2007
heheh, If my friend had the kindness to surprise me with badly drawn sub-comics of my own characters when I came back from Kenya, I'd be touched.
Bipolar Crab at 10:46PM, Feb. 6, 2007
I feel very Violated!!! I`ll show you just how violated I FEEL!!! METZ!-(NEWMAN!)
that1Joo at 10:40PM, Feb. 6, 2007
Ah, Metz. You puckish rogue.
rainbofish at 2:27PM, Feb. 7, 2007
i second that, bipolar crab.
Bipolar Crab at 1:18PM, Feb. 7, 2007
pointybuttons at 10:35AM, Feb. 7, 2007
The CCAMCC is recruiting members. Check out the comments in Nintendo Super Squad #25 for more info.
Green_Tangerine at 8:30AM, Feb. 7, 2007
Mmm, violated.
Bipolar Crab at 11:09PM, Feb. 6, 2007
You little stoned Pink Bunny, your logic is cute... as cute as my hairy irish @$$!!!
PinkBunny at 10:46PM, Feb. 6, 2007
heheh, If my friend had the kindness to surprise me with badly drawn sub-comics of my own characters when I came back from Kenya, I'd be touched.
Bipolar Crab at 10:46PM, Feb. 6, 2007
I feel very Violated!!! I`ll show you just how violated I FEEL!!! METZ!-(NEWMAN!)
that1Joo at 10:40PM, Feb. 6, 2007
Ah, Metz. You puckish rogue.