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ozzy1181 on March 8, 2011
only a small page today…
picosux224 at 7:39PM, March 9, 2011
i hope he dsnt XD all im saying is tht it makes tht squirl look lazy
ozzy1181 at 4:51PM, March 9, 2011
@picosux224 Well he's hardly going to watch shaun on the crapper is he... Growltike seemed like a good substitute for shauns head...
SuperFawful9000 at 2:45PM, March 9, 2011
i think the real reason why anyone is hardly update due becuase of playing pokemon B&W :P
picosux224 at 11:39AM, March 9, 2011
why is pachi riding growlitike?
ozzy1181 at 9:02AM, March 9, 2011
my wireless isnt compatable with the DS or something...
kriss1989 at 7:07AM, March 9, 2011
If you have a friend code, you just need a normal Wi-Fi conection to use the links upstairs in the pokecenter.
ozzy1181 at 6:46AM, March 9, 2011
will do, but first i got to get one of those nintendo wifi usb things...
happymouse at 6:10AM, March 9, 2011
:D we should trade friend codes sometime
picosux224 at 7:39PM, March 9, 2011
i hope he dsnt XD all im saying is tht it makes tht squirl look lazy
ozzy1181 at 4:51PM, March 9, 2011
@picosux224 Well he's hardly going to watch shaun on the crapper is he... Growltike seemed like a good substitute for shauns head...
SuperFawful9000 at 2:45PM, March 9, 2011
i think the real reason why anyone is hardly update due becuase of playing pokemon B&W :P
picosux224 at 11:39AM, March 9, 2011
why is pachi riding growlitike?
ozzy1181 at 9:02AM, March 9, 2011
my wireless isnt compatable with the DS or something...
kriss1989 at 7:07AM, March 9, 2011
If you have a friend code, you just need a normal Wi-Fi conection to use the links upstairs in the pokecenter.
ozzy1181 at 6:46AM, March 9, 2011
will do, but first i got to get one of those nintendo wifi usb things...
happymouse at 6:10AM, March 9, 2011
:D we should trade friend codes sometime