#176 Chapter Twelve Page One Hundered and Seventy Five
Walrus on Feb. 14, 2011
I'd like to know how you like this new style… Just trying something new…
Reader Links:
charliemew2: Yes, it certainly is….
Warpedwenger: Well, I'll remember to include more beat downs.
MilkshakeSharks: He's supposed to be possessed, but my limited/rushed drawing ability at the time only allowed me to draw veins.
AccoladeGraphics: Thanks for reading.
charliemew2 at 10:24PM, Feb. 21, 2011
how'd I miss this? Don't get it tho...
Rickswan at 6:19PM, Feb. 15, 2011
So this is what has come of Quest World...
kyupol at 3:37PM, Feb. 15, 2011
looks kinda weird to see a 3-d rendered realistic man talk about pokemon. lol