Chapter 1: Visitors From Afar
gameguy888 on Feb. 3, 2009
Fair warning, my spriting style is a lot different compared to what it's like now (see live date). It gets much better over time, so don't be pushed away by my old, and horrible spriting habits. The first 15 were made around the time I reached 150 comics, so those are fine, but after that… You've been warned…
gameguy888 at 3:25PM, June 1, 2010
While I somehow doubt you'll ever find this late response, allow me to explain. I won't mention the history of the first 15 comics (way too long for this comment box), but the ones you will see ahead were carefully made without them contradicting later events, as well as filling various plot holes that I didn't fill until much later in the series. Long story short: It was needed, and caused no negative consequences.
chrisleech at 2:36PM, Feb. 28, 2010
wait wha? how did you create the first few after so many being released without major backlash
globep at 12:22PM, Jan. 8, 2010