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mypetmorkie on July 3, 2010
new comic, and that fat guy wants everybodys chewing gum.
mypetmorkie at 9:53PM, July 4, 2010
Yea ghostly, I based it on you (: but serriously, Seth is the name I use In all games:)
XM0stLyGhOstLyX at 4:38PM, July 4, 2010
WAHA!YOU LIVE! But his name is "Seth"... Coincidences?
BetaFlameEXE at 12:45PM, July 3, 2010
Omgomg its been a frekin long time, just like meh. Good to see yuur back! Fived nd faved.
MF2009 at 10:43AM, July 3, 2010
nice page and long time no see.
Snowninja at 7:51AM, July 3, 2010
Cool comic page!
happymouse at 7:41AM, July 3, 2010
fived n faved
spitman56 at 7:17AM, July 3, 2010
Nice job. Looksk like I'll be favoriting this one.
mypetmorkie at 9:53PM, July 4, 2010
Yea ghostly, I based it on you (: but serriously, Seth is the name I use In all games:)
XM0stLyGhOstLyX at 4:38PM, July 4, 2010
WAHA!YOU LIVE! But his name is "Seth"... Coincidences?
BetaFlameEXE at 12:45PM, July 3, 2010
Omgomg its been a frekin long time, just like meh. Good to see yuur back! Fived nd faved.
MF2009 at 10:43AM, July 3, 2010
nice page and long time no see.
Snowninja at 7:51AM, July 3, 2010
Cool comic page!
happymouse at 7:41AM, July 3, 2010
fived n faved
spitman56 at 7:17AM, July 3, 2010
Nice job. Looksk like I'll be favoriting this one.