- #33 Time Machine
- #32 Escape Tunnels
- #31 Marco Polo
- #30 Robot Wally
- #29 Rehab
- #28 Likes to Rant
- #27 Human
- #26 Pokemon Superior
- #25 Psychic Onslaught
- #24 Not a Scratch
- #23 Too Easy
- #22 Move Out
- #21 Did you hear something
- #20 Unnoticed
- #19 Breakout
- #18 Blasted!
- #17 Sneaking In
- #16 The Prison
- #15 So Far So Good
- #14 Remember the Mission
- #13 Bomb-stick
- #12 Battle
- #11 Squirtle Vomit
- #10 Pokemorphing
- #9 Isn't my style
- #8 Chartanya
- #7 Pokemorpher
- #6 Pallet Town
- #5 Powned!
- #4 They got Johnson!
- #3 The Uprising
- #2 Evil Pikachu
- #1 You can talk!
- Pokemon Red Alert
hs5k on May 11, 2007
I am returning! I have finished my exams and have started on a new batch of comics. The first updates will be posted on the 29th.
exxxtasy69 at 8:12PM, July 12, 2016
Damn! Nostalgia!!
kassad at 7:02PM, Nov. 22, 2010
yep he's not coming back it seems
opdisk225 at 5:35AM, Dec. 11, 2008
What a shame, it was a great undertaking...
momomoom at 8:41PM, Sept. 23, 2008
u cant just leave us hanging
anonymous at 3:23AM, Sept. 15, 2008
Permanant HIATUS
SuperNovaX at 1:25AM, July 14, 2008
Um...Are you still alive? It was a great comic.
anonymous at 6:03PM, June 14, 2008
Dont say your gonna update then ditch cause all that accomplishes is pissing off a ton of people
Darkkevinyou at 7:46PM, May 11, 2008
Its been a year already.. (Ok, so thats tomorrow..)
Darksideofthemoon at 12:53PM, May 5, 2008
qijun at 8:23PM, April 27, 2008
Don't try and have all your comics return on one day, Because You may fail, And disappoint maaaany people....
spitfire_hokage at 12:14PM, March 23, 2008
How long will it take you to update!!?
mario at 6:59AM, Feb. 24, 2008
My cameo is needed! For almost a year i have waited!
mitchell00 at 5:29AM, Feb. 16, 2008
Assistant author here, I've been sending hs5k constant messages, but hasn't responded in over a month. My assumption is that he is having computer problems.
Princess_Eevee9 at 6:49AM, Jan. 30, 2008
Man it's the new year of 2008 January 30 Brawl is coming out for JApan tomorrow the 31 January 2008 please let us know when your going to update
Darkkevinyou at 9:30PM, Jan. 18, 2008
lets have a year anaversery at may.
I hate Reality at 4:40PM, Jan. 5, 2008
Gadamn! This is taking forever! Update please. Some people need violence to grov apparently.
pichupika at 11:44AM, Jan. 1, 2008
Walrus at 4:07PM, Dec. 18, 2007
Well, you said it would return. And it hasn't on the specified date... Well... IT HASN'T UPDATED AT THAT DATE YET YOU RIPOFF ARTIST!!!!!
mitchell00 at 6:30PM, Nov. 23, 2007
Why do you torture us so?
rleeming at 9:11AM, Nov. 13, 2007
Man! It's been 6 months!
Togepi at 10:15AM, Oct. 28, 2007
I can't believe this.. He might as well delete his COMIC!!
anonymous at 2:50PM, Oct. 27, 2007
youre stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anonymous at 2:26PM, Oct. 20, 2007
update you stupid idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
spitfire_hokage at 7:39AM, Oct. 17, 2007
hurry up and update your stupid comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pikachu at 8:12AM, Oct. 14, 2007
So much for a return.. ( I really loved this comic too..)