Storyline begins; Undiscoved pokemon?!: comic #9
pokemon hunt on April 20, 2007
Yay! The storyline begins with possibly the discovery of an undiscoverd pokemon! will Brendan and May become rich and famous? Where will this journey take them? keep watching this site to find out!
pokemon hunt at 1:43PM, Nov. 9, 2007
Well.. i quit the comic, if it can't be perfect it can't be done at all...
supersonic at 5:59AM, May 17, 2007
he's only just started, but i agree with KevinClifford, if your going to recolor hair, you should SERIOUSLY consider shading. Heh, Pokemon_hunt, seeing as i like sonic, you probably remember me from ACC .... the pokeball light in the 11th panelhas no shading whatsoever, i recomend using a custom made one from another spriting site, see whether has any pokeball ray effects, i rely on all my spriting needs there.... good start!!!
pokemon hunt at 7:00AM, May 7, 2007
Hey dude i only STARTED T_T
KevinClifford at 10:48AM, April 21, 2007
M'kay.. only re-size with stretch/skew. First off "Select All" the sheet, then go to Image -> Stretch/Skew. In the Stretch enter field (never use Skew) enter in any number as long as it ALWAYS ends in 00. (like 200, 300, 400, etc.) Then click okay. Your recolors in panel 8 lack shading. And you need [b][i][u]real[/u][/i][/b] backgrounds.