#35 The man with the plan
omegarizor on April 29, 2009
Yeah, I skipped there planning scene not spoil any of the suprises…
Also when ChimChar was riding on Turtwig, how he did that was he grabed onto turtwig's tail right after the throw and rode on his back until jumping off to attack the leader Starly.
Also, if you're wondering when this updating montage will be over, it will either be over in about a week, or until I skimp on updates…
Discet at 11:48AM, June 24, 2009
sweet comic it's really entertaining!
1nate146 at 10:57AM, June 13, 2009
your comic beat my comic badly
ShadowScar Knight at 12:44PM, May 15, 2009
Nice. I dig the comic. Keep it up! Awesome teamwork btw =P
Stickgubbe at 2:30AM, May 1, 2009
omegarizor at 4:31PM, April 30, 2009
@Chrisriley64: Yeah, I noticed that too after I finished this comic up. And also, Guys I may not be able to update tommorow, just to let you guys know...
chrisriley64 at 3:03PM, April 30, 2009
Their - not there distraction - not destraction Chimchar - not ChimChar Also, you used now four times. Other than that - cool comic!
xVegitox at 1:42PM, April 30, 2009
NICE one
FlareD at 8:04AM, April 30, 2009
Devvy at 3:06AM, April 30, 2009
Starly got PWN'D! Also first 8D