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tonifasic on Nov. 4, 2006
This is as close to a prologue or backstory as you'll possibly get for this.Mmm, wordy.
Gillespie at 6:37PM, May 15, 2009
Ha! That's how you inspire!
my_anime_love at 9:10AM, July 6, 2007
*gasps in wonder* !me gusta mucho!
Haydee at 6:01PM, Dec. 15, 2006
There is no way I can do any of that. I quit after 3 comic pages XD. Hehe, I like your style n_n.
Ninja_Jette at 6:00AM, Nov. 29, 2006
your style is so good! i love it!
Jiro Katsu at 8:18PM, Nov. 12, 2006
I really like the art, your pretty good. Makes my crap look like trash! >D By the way, I read those 'how to draw manga' books too... But I tossed em out the window into traffic. *Shifty eye's*
ZoeStead at 6:07AM, Nov. 8, 2006
Really cute work! Nice one!
blueyes at 8:33PM, Nov. 6, 2006
I love your style! Very cute!
BigFishComic at 7:32PM, Nov. 5, 2006
ahh it's cute and promises very little deep thought...I LIKES IT
iamthatis at 5:59PM, Nov. 5, 2006
Bwaha. XD Go go!
Darkmax at 5:26AM, Nov. 5, 2006
Very nice
Gillespie at 6:37PM, May 15, 2009
Ha! That's how you inspire!
my_anime_love at 9:10AM, July 6, 2007
*gasps in wonder* !me gusta mucho!
Haydee at 6:01PM, Dec. 15, 2006
There is no way I can do any of that. I quit after 3 comic pages XD. Hehe, I like your style n_n.
Ninja_Jette at 6:00AM, Nov. 29, 2006
your style is so good! i love it!
Jiro Katsu at 8:18PM, Nov. 12, 2006
I really like the art, your pretty good. Makes my crap look like trash! >D By the way, I read those 'how to draw manga' books too... But I tossed em out the window into traffic. *Shifty eye's*
ZoeStead at 6:07AM, Nov. 8, 2006
Really cute work! Nice one!
blueyes at 8:33PM, Nov. 6, 2006
I love your style! Very cute!
BigFishComic at 7:32PM, Nov. 5, 2006
ahh it's cute and promises very little deep thought...I LIKES IT
iamthatis at 5:59PM, Nov. 5, 2006
Bwaha. XD Go go!
Darkmax at 5:26AM, Nov. 5, 2006
Very nice