Halloween 2014- 12
Luccia on Oct. 27, 2014
Relating to Techniplex. And that concludes the 2014 Halloween short. I hope you've enjoyed meeting the other two astronaut daddies.
Fun facts: 1. Manta's full name is Mike Mantamomoi (Manta-mo-mo-ee). Theo is on a last name basis with anyone who has a last name and Mantamomoi is a mouth full, so he calls him Manta.
2. Elba used to be a gypsy dancer, this is her gypsy dancer gettup. Her caravan was in town for Halloween, so she couldn't resist joining in on the fun with her old pals. And she hated Theo to point of near violence.
ghostrunner at 10:09AM, Oct. 29, 2014
ah... nearly naked violence :D
Luccia at 8:25PM, Oct. 28, 2014
@tupapayon: Yeah! @Peipei: Thank you! It was a bit fun drawing it, though it is a bit revealing. Those android gypsies.
Peipei at 6:36PM, Oct. 28, 2014
This was awesome! And I gotta say, I love Elba's gypsy outfit :3.
tupapayon at 6:28PM, Oct. 28, 2014
haha!... Bunny Mojo....