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oneminutecomics on April 17, 2007
This comic is fanart of the Phantasy Star online series that first was released on the SEGA Dreamcast. I have 3 chapters and everyday a new chapter will update for the next 60 days.
fireball476 at 4:34PM, Aug. 4, 2007
pso rocks im level 24
simonitro at 9:46AM, July 17, 2007
Bionic... it's lovely!
Mutation at 5:58AM, July 17, 2007
OMG. Phantasy star fan = Me.
Ozoneocean at 1:05AM, April 25, 2007
Oooo, magical arrtwork!
Marushi at 1:44AM, April 19, 2007
Cool drawing! ^^
fireball476 at 4:34PM, Aug. 4, 2007
pso rocks im level 24
simonitro at 9:46AM, July 17, 2007
Bionic... it's lovely!
Mutation at 5:58AM, July 17, 2007
OMG. Phantasy star fan = Me.
Ozoneocean at 1:05AM, April 25, 2007
Oooo, magical arrtwork!
Marushi at 1:44AM, April 19, 2007
Cool drawing! ^^